ICDA and the U.S. Embassy teach you how to cook a variety of dishes for Thanksgiving.
– The videos were posted through the Instagram accounts of the Instituto Cultural Domínico Americano and the U.S. Embassy.
– This 2021, Thanksgiving Day was celebrated on Thursday, November 25.
Santo Domingo, November 2021. – To celebrate Thanksgiving Day, the Instituto Cultural Domínico Americano (ICDA) and the U.S. Embassy in the Dominican Republic shared through their digital channels a series of videos with exquisite and easy recipes to prepare a delicious Thanksgiving dinner.
“Un Cocinao’ para Thanksgiving” is a mix of Dominican seasoning and American gastronomy, which presents the best of the cuisine of both cultures, with recipes for a variety of dishes, shared through the Instagram accounts @eldominicoamericano and @embajadausaenrd.
Among the recipes are the incomparable pork leg, a characteristic dish of the New Year’s Eve celebrations in the Dominican Republic; the traditional turkey, which is the protagonist and main dish of Thanksgiving dinner; as well as delicious desserts to enjoy one of the most important celebrations in the United States.
Koral Núñez, coordinator of Educational Innovation at ICDA; Lucy Threan de Lamarche, Secretary of the Board of Directors of ICDA; Ramón Sosa, Rector of the Universidad Domínico Americano; Maureen Tejeda, former UGRAD scholar; Katarina Lage, diplomatic officer of the U.S. Embassy; Johanna Pichardo, pastry chef of the Universidad Domínico Americano; and Jacayaguila Carmona, chef and Taste Ambassador of the USA, were all in charge of the preparation of these recipes that seek to add Dominican-American flavor and spice to the Thanksgiving table.
On the fourth Thursday of every November, Americans celebrate Thanksgiving, a day when family and friends gather to give thanks for the blessings received during the year.
November 30, 2021