The Instituto Cultural Domínico Americano recently held its Annual Associates Assembly, where the members that will form the new Board of Directors for the period 2023-2024 were elected.
The activity, held in the Expositions Hall of the academic and cultural institution, was attended by its associates, as well as academic and administrative directors of the ICDA.
The Board of Directors’ Executive Committee, whose functions start with immediate effect, is composed of: Dario Lama Reyes (President), Francisco J. Abate Franjul (Vice President), Lucy Threan de Lamarche (Secretary) and Darys Estrella (Treasurer).
The other members comprising the Board of Directors are: Leonardo Santoni (Vice Secretary), Robert Valdez (Vice Treasurer), Laura Sofía Abreu Malla, Kellee A. Brown, Isaac Castañeda, Ricardo Feris P., Enrique A. Fernández Malla, Nicholas Higgins, Jeffrey Johnson, Hilda Patricia Polanco and Arthur Valdez.