The Superintendencia de Pensiones (SIPEN) renewed the inter-institutional collaboration agreement with the Instituto Cultural Domínico Americano (ICDA), with the aim of promoting and developing cooperation mechanisms in activities and training programs related to the academic and social mission of both institutions.
Francisco A. Torres, Superintendent of Pensions and Eng. Ramón Sosa, Executive Director of the Instituto Cultural Domínico Americano (ICDA), signed the agreement in which both parties commit to promoting and developing collaboration mechanisms, combining efforts and available resources for the development of academic programs, workshops and seminars, consultancies, and joint research exchanges.
Present at the ceremony were Dr. Laura Reyes, Vice Rector of the Universidad Domínico Americano (UNICDA); Ms. Karlans Camacho, Coordinator of the Teacher Development Center and Continuing Education; Ms. Karina Taveras, Head of Extension and Social Outreach, and Ms. Alicia Carlo, Director of Student Life and Vice Rector of Outreach.
this agreement, the collaborators of the Superintendencia de Pensiones will have access to benefits and facilities when acquiring the educational services offered by the ICDA in its different academic units: Domínico Americano Preschool and School, the Language School, the Escuela de Arte y Cultura, the Espacio Culinario; and the Universidad Domínico Americano (UNICDA).
Francisco A. Torres, Superintendent of Pensions, informed that the main objective of this agreement is to transmit knowledge, good practices and experiences on topics related to the Dominican Pension System, as well as current academic topics of mutual interest.
During the signing of the agreement at the SIPEN headquarters, Torres promised to develop a program of institutional visits for students of basic, secondary, higher and continuing education of the Instituto Cultural Domínico Americano, which includes an internship program for graduates of the Universidad Domínico Americano (UNICDA), and other activities that contribute to the promotion and development of pension education.
The heads of each signing entity committed to promote and develop joint research, studies, publications and consultations, and to include content on pension and financial topics in the basic, intermediate, technical and academic programs of the educational institution